Hampson-Russell LithoSI tool uses a Bayesian classification scheme. Applying our workflow to a 3D seismic data set with 26 wells achieves consistent and verifiably accurate results. Figure 11 The Harvey 2 well ZVSP, the result of the seismic to well tie (principle. We use blind well tests to verify the accuracy of well-log interpolation and seismic well ties. Finally, log data from each well are interpolated along local seismic structures to generate global log property volumes. Local similarity is then used to tie available wells with seismic data. Generate synthetic seismic data to verify the quality of a well tie Model and simulate reservoirs and flow in porous media. We first used the local similarity scan to align all logs to constant geologic time and interpolate missing well-log information. I predict that when you get a copy of this book in your hand, you will look at every page.

The subject each author selects is an essential ‘thing’ that we all need to know about geophysics. traces where the correlation window is placed. We first select a high-quality re- gion of interest for the synthetic and seismic. We have developed a workflow to estimate missing well-log information, automatically tie wells to seismic data, and generate a global well-log property volume using data matching techniques. co-founder of HampsonRussell This is a great book The contributing authors are among the best known names in our profession. well tying (Hampson-Russell, 1999 White and.

When sonic and density logs are not available, it is challenging to incorporate wells into integrated reservoir studies because the wells cannot be tied to seismic. Relating well-log data, measured in depth, to seismic data, measured in time, typically requires estimating well-log impedance and a time-to-depth relationship using available sonic and density logs.