Benelli Ethos 20 Gauge Review Benelli’s Progressive Comfort Recoil System makes a full day of shooting a breeze.Įxcept for size and weight, Benelli’s 20-gauge Ethos looks identical to its older 12-gauge brother and is built on the same tried and proven Inertia Driven System. When the dogs get on a covey, a quick dismount and a short walk is all that separates you from the birds. It’s a slower paced hunt but allows you to take in the scenery at the rhythm of a horse’s trot. SouthWind does offer hunting from Jeeps, but there’s also the opportunity to hunt from horseback while a team of guides pulls the dogs, ammo and water along in a mule-drawn wagon.

When you get back to the lodge at night, you’ll eat and drink like a king: prime rib, fried gator tail and bacon-wrapped quail legs with a glass of The Macallan 12, a high-end single malt scotch whiskey, or an ice cold Yuengling from America’s oldest brewery. There are several smaller lodges around the backside of the lake and a trap and skeet tower in one corner. The plantation also teems with duck, geese, turkey and deer, and the main lodge sits on a massive lake that’s stocked with 10-pound and greater largemouth bass. The property is located on 3,000 acres of picturesque Georgia pine country, with rolling hills, lakes and tall grasses that provide ideal cover for quail. If you’ve ever hunted Europe, you’d get a good feel for the type of experience created at SouthWind Plantation. Benelli’s Ethos 20 gauge, at home on a rainy day in Georgia at SoutWind Plantation.

With a nickel plated and engraved receiver, the Ethos 20 gauge was an ideal complement to an old-world-style hunting experience at SouthWind Plantation near Attapulgus, Georgia. The AA-grade satin walnut stock is nimble and lightweight, perfect for a full day afield and perfect for fast moving birds and quail-appropriate loads. From the first time you throw it to your shoulder it’s got a natural, graceful feel. More than that, the Ethos is a sweet-swinging beauty, as graceful in motion as it is to look at. What didn’t slow us down was the Benelli Ethos 20 gauge, a new introduction in 2015 and an addition to the original Ethos 12-gauge lineup. Once those birds get up it’s all about pure reaction thinking and aiming only slows you down and cripples your shooting. George, a product manager at Benelli, killed three birds with ease on the left side, while I managed to knock down one bird with two shots. This time five birds got up, three to the left and two straight ahead and slightly to the right of us. There’s that split second when the covey rises and the birds seem almost frozen in time, only to dart off at breakneck speed and leave you feeling like an uncoordinated buffoon. Not only is the number unknown, their trajectory is completely unpredictable and can change multiple times in flight. Sometimes it’s three sometimes it’s 10 or 12. Half the excitement with quail hunting like this is that you never know how many birds are going to flush out of that point or where they’ll go. One other hunter and I crept up a few yards on either side of the guide but behind Gal and another pointer, and Cody gave the green light to Deke, a Boykin spaniel whose sole job it was to jump the already located birds: “Get ‘em up Deke!” With Gal, the frenetically paced and bird savvy English pointer, locked on a covey of quail and creeping closer, our guide, Cody, kept her at bay with a few gentle voice commands. Benelli’s new 20-gauge Ethos proves it’s got the moxie for one of the South’s greatest game birds. Paired with Eddie Bauer’s amazingly well made Mabton Flats vest ($199), the Benelli Ethos is artwork afield.