The only this is you have to run your game in Windowed mode or borderless.Counter-Strike Global Offensive players from all around the world use all kinds of different tactics and commands to get better at their game. If possible, was wondering if someone could do a release xD.Yes it is possible, Google "d3d crosshair" or "directX crosshair". I've never really programmed anything myself, it's just a question. If possible, was wondering if someone could do a release xD. Whereas you can see it, but can't get VAC'd at all because it doesn't affect the game/game's files. Someone could probably make this, but what I'm concerned about is the "VAC." Basically, to make it 100% undetectable, is it possible to see it through the game, but make it unrelated to it at all? To put it simply, something like drawing the crosshair on your monitor. + Gives you better aim overall on scoped weapons + Dramatically increase Scout's no-scope accuracy + Easier flickshots (Easier to predict enemy lineup) Therefore, I was wondering if it's possible to see it. When using an AWP/Any gun with a scope, CS:GO disables the ability to see your crosshair in-game. Doing so would help a lot, and would give you a much better advantage 3.

Basically, I was wondering if it's possible to overlay CS:GO with a transparent crosshair. I'm pretty sure what's in my mind is possible, but I have a couple questions about it. If you are having any issues, shoot us an email, Contact MPGH Support.
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